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Tidbits About Me

First, I am married to a freakin' musician!  I don't think that I need to say anything else.  He is a great guitar player, father, husband, and I have at least 20-25 years of training left to do with him before he is just right!  Love ya honey.  We have been together since 1999 and married since 2004.  I am a self-described pain in the arse and have "one of those" senses of humor.  Define it as you will, I love to laugh and choose to make my life a long and humorous walk off an even longer pier. 

My son Max was the inspiration for this whole blog thing, what with his crazy antics and genius ability to be an inconvenient youth.  Thank you Al Gore.  I had Max when I was 39 and I will say,  I am glad that I sacrificed my body because Max is my one of a kind and I think that is as it should be. 

Then there is the faithful dog, Mooadeeb.  Just look at would never know that he is a 70 pound master of disaster who snores, eats rabbit terds, will run till he drops, is freakishly handsom and lively, that's just who he is. Sadly, Moo went to the great doggie daycare in the sky on August 19th, 2011.  He will be missed always.  Love you tons Moo, miss you more.
We had a new addition to our family in September 2011.  His name is Rodger Roscoe Kolodny and he is an 8 week old Labrador/coon hound puppy that we rescued  so that we could have someone to shower our doggie love on.  Stay tuned for updates on how Rodger is doing in his new home.  Yea Rodger!
Along with the three of us there are an Oompy and Boompy, a Grandma and Grandpa, aunts, uncles, cousins, and a fish.

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