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Tuesday, December 14, 2010

One More Time!!

This is the last one of these that I am going to post as it's own post.  To accommodate my growing library (yippee) of published materials, I created a special page for them on this site.  See it over there on the left?  Up more, down a little.  Right there!  Intuitively titled "Web Articles I've Written", you can drop by and take a peek to see if I have added any more life altering prose to the library.

I also want to mention that I have had a few people ask me about what I am doing with Demand Studios and how it works.  I can tell you what I have learned so far.

1. It was not difficult to get approval to write for them though I have heard from someone that they did not get approved.  I have a blog and that is an easy place for them to go and check you out.  What do you write about, your style of writing, blah, blah, blah.  I have no idea if this makes a big difference or not in their decision.

2. I had a very difficult time getting my bio approved (read here) and I am not really happy with the one they have now.  It is pretty starchy.

3. The articles that I have written thus far have been really fun and are titles that I created or that I chose from a grossly long list.

4. Of the 3 articles I have done, 2 have been paid at a flat rate for the accepted article.  The process goes something like this:
     a. Choose a title from a gigantic list and "claim" it. Flat rates are clearly posted with the titles.
     b. You will be given a deadline and one rewrite to get it edited and accepted.
     c. They have very well written guidelines and other places to go to help you get the format and other aspects correct.  They also have a nice template that you work from.
     d. Although I can't see them, I know that there are many different editors and with that fact comes many different styles of editing.  This is good and bad.  I got some really great comments on what I wrote that helped me make the articles much better.  The editors for my bio were all over the place, some had a ton of comments, others just said "Add a good picture" and your done. 
     e. Once you have finished your initial draft, it goes off to the editors and you will get it back with comments to rewrite or they will publish it if it was that good.  I haven't experienced that so.....  Yea.
     f. When you have completed your rewrites, it goes back to the editor and you cross your fingers (I did anyway).  You either get it published or I guess it gets declined.  I haven't experienced that either, luckily.
     g. Since you need to have a Paypal account to participate the next thing after the article publishes is that you get paid into your Paypal account.  If I remember right, they pay out on Tuesdays and Thursdays or something like that.  It has been right on, so far.

That is it.  I haven't been at this that long so my knowledge is limited, but I am having a good time with it.  I hope that I have covered what people wanted to know about it.   If you have any other questions, leave them in the comments and I will see if I can answer them.  Alright, go learn about HDL and how olives are fruit!

The Monkey Queen

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