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Friday, January 28, 2011

Facile Friday - Arachibutyrophobia

I don't have it, you probably don't have it, and I know that Elvis didn't have it.  Somewhere in the world someone has it because there is a word for it!  Welcome to Facile Friday!

I am a peanut butter lover, as is my son.  We go through disgusting amounts of peanut butter and add it to everything we can think of; bananas, apples, chicken, and the list goes on.  What does this have to do with the Facile Friday word, you ask?

If you keep away from the nutty, sticky stuff and the reason is that you just can't handle it when it sticks to the roof of your mouth, then you, my dear, might have the Facile Friday word of the day.

ARACHIBUTYROPHOBIA is when you have a fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of your mouth.  Possibly pronounced (a-rachi-beaut-row-phobia) but who the heck knows for sure.  I could see a fear of peanut butter, but the sticking to the roof of your mouth is what makes it fun to feed it to small children and animals.  Hey, maybe THAT is how someone aquires this phobia.  You know........a thrill seeking adult smears a gooey glob of peanut butter on the roof of a small child's mouth and sits back to watch them try to get it off...voila! A phobia is born!

OK, now you know the word, see if you can start a discussion about it today.  How many people have actually heard of this one?  Let me know how it all plays out....don't keep me in the dark.

Monkey Queen 

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