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Friday, February 18, 2011

Facile Friday - Parisologist

I shot and elephant in my pajamas....

How he got there I may never know!

Please wait for the hostess to be seated.

(You might be waiting a while, hostess' never sit down)

Entire store 25% off!
(I could pick myself up a 7-11 for that kind of deal)

Fine for parking here.
(I think this is how Chicago gets their parking money.  Is it really fine?)

Slow children at play.
(that is completely rude and unappreciated)

We don't just serve burgers, we serve people.
(Is that ill I am feeling?  Yes, I believe it is.)

We serve gasoline to anyone in a glass container.
(I got rid of my glass container years ago!)

All food must pass through the cashier before entering the dining room.
(Twice chewed is all the rage I hear)

I have a dream and am currently studying to be a master of the Facile Friday word - Parisologist  

That is almost exactly correct!  You guessed it!  I am training to be a word smith who uses ambiguous language.  What about a few easy ambiguous word combinations like:  Jumbo shrimp, act naturally, exact estimate, clearly misunderstood, and my all time favorite.......tight slacks!

Pretty good huh?

You too can practice being ambiguous and what fun you can have! Whether it is a stolen painting found by a tree or that kids make nutritious snacks, you can fire up your synapses to create your own ambiguous word play. If you are a boss, you might refer to the Lexicon of Inconspicuously Ambiguous Recommendations that help you write recommendations for those employees who you would love to see someone else have to deal with. To describe a person who is totally inept, the lexicon suggests something along the lines of: "I most enthusiastically recommend this candidate with no qualifications whatsoever." See! A little creative thinking and you too can enjoy ambiguity.

Have a great weekend!


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k.somerville said...

whatever you're on, I want some too :)

Don't Make Me Call My Flying Monkeys! said...

@K. Crane: Big Fat Art Cloth
My brain doesn't get enough stimulation during the 8 hours I am at work. I guess you could say that my brain is constipated from 8-4 Monday through Friday and this is the aftermath. Total brain dump! Glad you like it.

Mary Bergfeld said...

You have such a good time doing this :-). You've also considerably brightened a day that got off to a bad start. Have a great weekend. Blessings...Mary

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