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Friday, February 25, 2011

HA! You think that's funny?!

Actually, I think that was kind of stupid!

You might even say witzelsucht!  Yea I said witzelsucht!  Witzelsucht! Witzelsucht! Witzelsucht!
If you are with me raise your hand!!

If a word is nothing else in its entire life, it is something that can be fun to say!  Witzelsucht.  I like to say this word and now that I have a meaning for it, I can use it too.

You may have already guessed that witzelsucht  is a german word (kudos to you for thinking ahead!)  It is pronounced "vit zel zookt" and it is something that I am guilty of participating in at times.  Don't judge me, I apologize for all my witzelsucht in the past and while I am at it I will say I am sorry for all of the witzelsucht that are going to happen, possibly, in the next few moments.

Witzelsucht is German for a feeble attempt at humor.  This is very serious!  How exactly do you determine if something qualifies as a "feeble" attempt at humor?  If you laugh, it's funny.  If you cringe, it's tasteless.  If you leave the room, it is in bad taste.  If you look bored, it is probably feeble.  Did that clear it up?  Let's see where this tidbit will land you on the spectrum. 

"Honey, will you love me when I am old and feeble?  You bet I do!"

Feeble or otherwise lame attempts at humor can get you into big trouble.  Just check out this here.  See!  You could go to jail in some places if you just can't tell a joke.  International perceptions are at stake and that can be world changing.


Please go out into the world and avoid the feeble attempt.  Put all of your effort into your humor and own it.  As with anything, the energy that you put out is what is returned to you, so go for it!  

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