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Friday, June 22, 2012

Facile Friday - Nothing lasts forever

 That includes vacations!  Bummer.

My workation finally came to an end, but boy did we have a blast.

Here are just a few of the photos that tell the story. 
The vacation journey started with the Chicago Blues Fest and Paul headlining the Saturday at the Petrillo Bandshell.  Why a toilet you ask?
This was the toilet in his dressing room.  Think of all the people who might have used this toilet...
Jazz, Blues, Classical, Pop and other greats of the music scene
Pope John Paul the 2nd for goodness sake!
This in one mighty potty!

Sunday brought THE HAIRCUT.  If I ever actually planned to cut my hair I think that the world would stop turning for a second.

I spent 2 days at a conference for work while Max and Paul played in the water park.  I was jealous BUT I did get to go to Paul Bunyan's Cook Shanty!  Cool joint but certainly not the best meal I have ever had.

Next came MY first day at the water park.  Since I was taking the pictures there are none of me but here is Paul surfing the coolest ride at the park...the Flowrider! 

Just remember, what goes up will always come down. this case it is what comes down will always go up.  No one can say no to these water jets ripping off your swimwear and tossing you up and over the faux wave like the insignificant blob of flesh you are.

Here is Max illustrating this reverse gravity phenomenon with his colossal wipeout!  A truly beautiful thing.  The Flowrider surf thingy is about 2 inches of water being fired over what could only be described as a gymnastics mat at 30 miles an hour.  The whole contraption is shaped like a 10-15 foot wave he goes!

Max won a hoola hoop contest at the restaurant we ate at the first night in the Dells but we never got around to cashing in his free sundae coupon, so a stop at A&W fixed all that.  Max said that a rootbeer float beats a sundae anytime!

Now that we were home, a good friend came to rastle with the little wipper-snapper.  It is always a fun time when old friends are around, it helps to break up the depressing thoughts about going back to work on Monday.

Back to work just sucks!!


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