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Friday, May 31, 2013

Facile Friday - A Little League Baseball Poem

Max had his first game of his first season of baseball.  It turned out to be pretty exciting.

Thank goodness Casey wasn't around!

A Little League Baseball Poem
Author: The Monkey Queen

The day was dark and gloomy, humidity filled the air.
Two teams approached the field, every player had heart to spare.

The Astros took the batters box, the pitching machine went pop.
Till the crack of a bat sent a runner to first and that is where he stopped.

Next batter up, a little guy, with a helmet three times his size.
A swing and miss, two more pitches came then to everyone's surprise,

A ground ball flew and the runner did too, two boys now stood on base.
The first half of the inning saw a runner reach home, there was joy on every Astro face.

Three outs changed the sides and Cardinals were at bat, a player stepped up to the plate.
The pitches came fast and furious but his swing was just a little late.

Then another big crack flew out over the crowd, the swing was a work of art.
The first inning down, the Cardinals score was up and they had a really great start.

The Astros brought in their big hitters and knocked in five more runs.
The Cardinals answered back with grounders and some of their own big guns.

Supportive parents in the stands tried to yell "Good Job!" above the din.
But the players were busy swinging for the fences, those kids knocked five more in.

The score now stood at seven to six, Cardinals took the lead
The next inning held the Astros to one and the bleachers all agreed

That the Astros could hit but the Cardinals could field and the batters just can't get past  third.
The next inning saw the Astros score none but for the Cardinals four was the word.

The final score was 11-7, Cardinals took the day. 

The Astros lost or that's what they were told, disappointing but really OK

The two teams met face to face, high fives and congrats were exchanged.
All those kids, together, mitt and bat in hand and the love of the game still unchanged.

Till they meet again in a battle royale, when their skills are honed a bit more.
They will play catch with their dads, not eat their green beans and moan about doing chores.

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