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Monday, August 26, 2013

Brain Fart Rescue

Have you ever been to the grocery store and, while wandering the aisles to find everything on your list, you come across that item that triggers the "I forgot that we needed that" response in your brain?

As you can tell from the opening paragraph, this happened to me recently.  The bummer is that it wasn't the double chocolate crumble cake that I grabbed, it was a package of celery.  Yup, celery.  Now all of this is important because at home I already had an almost new package of celery.  I figure what was triggered when I saw celery at the store was a kind of latent memory of needing celery from another time.  For some reason my brain stored it even though I no longer needed to remember that particular fact and thus the brain fart came into being.  So now my question is, what the hell do you do with this much celery!?

I went on a celery recipe quest and Google, my constant companion, was able to accommodate my need.  I was actually surprised at all of the celery recipes, but they all had one thing in common, they didn't use enough celery.  I wanted to get rid of at least one bag to feel like my mission was complete.  Look no further than Martha Stewart!  I am not a big fan of Martha but she did offer up an extremely easy and quite tasty way to use an entire bag for me.  Cream of celery soup was on the menu.

There were some conditions to my mission:

  • Use an entire bag of celery
  • Require only ingredients that I currently have on hand
  • Not take hours to make
  • Not mess my kitchen up too much (I don't want to dirty every appliance I have)
  • Not require my constant attention

Thanks Martha!  She met every one of my demands and I was even able to make the process easier by using my food processor for the whole shebang.  So off I went to make Martha Stewart's Creamy Celery Soup.

First, I weighed my celery to see how close I was to 1.5 pounds.  Cutting off the bottom and a little bit of the tops of the stalks got me where I needed to be.  I chopped everything in the food processor using the slicing side of the cutting disc.  I washed but did not peel the potatoes because I actually like the addition of the skin's flavor and texture, depending on the potato you use.  I used yukon gold potatoes.

Using the food processor saved be a ton of time and into the magic pan (my Le Creuset) they all went with a couple tablespoons of butter. Saute, saute, saute till the veggies start to get limp and a little soft then in with the water and simmer for 20 minutes.

Once everything was soft and the flavors had saturated the pot, everything went back into the food processor and I took them for a spin.  Once the soup was smooth, it went back into the pot for a few minutes and then in my bowl.  I have to admit that the soup was not in my bowl for very long before I had to fill the bowl again.

All told, this recipe took about 35 minutes to complete and it turned out fabulous!  If you look at the recipe that Martha gives, she says the total time is 55 minutes.  I was able to do it 20 minutes faster.  Yea!  If you like celery or you happen to have the same brain fart I did, make this soup!

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