I got the recipe from The Illustrated Quick Cook Book but had to make some changes to it because I didn't have some things on hand.
Preheat your oven to 350 degrees.
The recipe calls for corn syrup but I didn't have any so I improvised by using 2 Tbsp of butter and 1/4 cup of brown sugar. You can use light or dark for this, whichever you like best. Cream the brown sugar and 2T of butter together to make a milky brown paste and spread it on the bottom of a 9x13 pan that has been sprayed with cooking spray. It won't spread out too evenly but do the best you can. Next, find a 5-6 year old and have them be responsible for laying out the pineapple on top of the creamed brown sugar.
Please understand how important this step is, it is the lack of understanding and experience that allows the 5-6 year old to break all of the rules with abandon. If you do not have a child to take on the role, you certainly can grab any man under the age of 50 and give him a teaspoon to get the pineapple out of the can. This will create the same effect, trust me!
Next, in a separate bowl, cream together (hold on!) 10 Tbsp of butter and 2/3 cup of sugar till they are pale yellow. Add one egg at a time and incorporate it fully before adding 1/4 cup of flour and mixing well. Repeat with he second egg and another 1/4 cup of flour, then add the 4 Tbsp of milk, 1 1/2 tsp of vanilla and the rest of the flour. Stir until it is fairly thick but will still drop off of the spoon.Drop the batter in globs on top of the pineapple and spread it as much as you can to cover the fruit. Bake it for 30-35 minutes or till the edges are golden brown.
In my experience this doesn't last long enough to be wrapped and frozen, but you certainly can try. My photos are close ups because there was only a small portion left to photograph. See, I told you!
I need to wrap this up because this picture is making my mouth water all over again. Enjoy the cake or at least let the photos work your saliva glands for a while.
Please always remember and don't ever forget:
Vegetables are a must on a diet. I suggest carrot cake, zucchini bread, and pumpkin pie.
Jim Davis Upside Down You Turn Me Cake Printable Recipe
2 Tbsp Butter
1/4 cup brown sugar
1 large can pineapple
10 Tbsp butter
2/3 cup white sugar
2 eggs
4 Tbsp milk
1 1/2 tsp Vanilla
1 1/2 cup flour
350 degrees for 30-35 minutes
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