I am a firm believer in planning to not plan when it comes to vacations
We did the unthinkable and drove south in July. What the heck were we thinking? I don't know many people who would say "Hey, Memphis is lovely in July, what with the 90 degree temperatures and Oh how I love that humidity!" We had a purpose though, too see family that I haven't seen in decades in some cases and they were all going to Memphis. I planned a few stops along the way; Indianapolis, Louisville, Mammoth Cave. With a smattering of cool places to visit.
We stayed with my aunt and uncle in Greenwood, Indiana and had a good time with them and my cousin and her daughter Natalie (Max's age). Then we were off to Louisville to hook up with friends from Lexington. As is with the best laid plans, we all ran into traffic and were slowed down by that life thing but we made it to the Falls of the Ohio on the Clarksville, Indiana side of the Ohio river.
There is an interesting phenomenon with the Falls of the Ohio park, I have been 2 times now and there are always a good number of people there, though I have never met anyone who has been. Think about it.
If you are ever in that area you should go because it is really cool! It is a prehistoric sea bed and there are fossils everywhere!! Fan coral and mussels and all kinds of detritus that landed on the sea floor millions of years ago. It is just there! You go down and walk ON history and it is easy to find the fossil remains.
I want to thank Kaye for snapping one of very few photos of me on the entire trip. I am always behind the camera and it nice to have proof that I was actually there.
Time to move on and we were off to Mammoth Cave, Kentucky to camp and rough it. We were gonna have so much fun it would make you want to smack your mama! Oh yes! We had our GPS as the handy navigator and occasionally, just for fun, I would ask it to detour our route. We saw some pretty interesting things on those crazy back road detours. Places like Big Bubba Bucks Belly Bustin' BBQ Bliss. If you don't believe me check it out and notice the line at the bottom of the sign. That is some good BBQ! Bubba did it down home style, with the converted propane tank that looked like a pig and smoked like a Rastafarian.
We finally made it to the National Park and got to our campsite. We put up our tent and got ourselves situated. Whew! We were all crazy tired and the night ended with a cozy campfire and a rambunctious 5 yr old. Perfect! Please comeback and find out what happens as our Memphis trip continues......
Cheeky Monkey
1 comment:
It looks like a great trip. I'm so glad I got to see you and meet the family. I look like I just sucked on a lemon in the photo but Russ and I were psyched to see you, really! I've never had any desire to swim in the Ohio (although I have before), but that oppressive heat was making me reconsider that day. whew! Thanks for the melted choco-granola too.
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