Chef Max likes to keep things easy and in keeping with that theme he has chosen to use his trusty friend to create his heavenly Tahitian Layer Cake. I was privileged to be allowed into the kitchen of Chef Max to witness the master at his craft and took a few photos of his work along the way. First he preheated the oven
The chocolate layer went down first and was expertly frosted. His attention to detail is evident in the addition of decorative candies that will be locked inside the layers of this cake.
Chef Max takes each and every recipe into his soul and in a rare display of Pavlovian proportion, he enjoys his creation to the fullest. It was at this point, as Chef Max drank in the warm goodness of his talent, that he decided just how to finish this masterpiece.
His genius is endless in it's artistry and I feel humble as I watch him create with hardly a breath taken. When the electricity appeared to calm and his work was done, he was struck by a moment of inspiration, resulting in.......
My god, where will his creativity stop! Even he is amazed, as he comes out of his trance like state to view his work for the first time. The reaction of a true genius.
While I am unable to share the experience of consuming this kind of genius, I can give you the visual treat and allow you to close your eyes and imagine the goodness that was.
Flying Monkeys
I loves me some light bulb cookin'
The Transformers plate gives it that special something.
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