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Friday, February 11, 2011

Facile Friday - Q

Let us not querken the "Q" and it's queme sound and shape.  We will take on quinsquilious without queirmony. Quem quaeritis?  I seek the Q.

I think Q-words are fun to say (can you tell) and I found so many quoz ones on my quest for a good Facile Friday word.

Quisquilious is the word that I chose for this Friday and it apparently has a couple of different meanings.  I could say that My life has been quisquilious but it has worked for me thus far.
or I created a quisquilious mural that hangs in the vestibule at the bank.  Be careful though, because it can also be used like this...My 6 year olds room is quisquilious or I placed my quisquilious can at the curbside.  Did you figure it out?

First, this is another old and pretty much unused word, surprise, surprise.  Second, it can mean something that is composed of odds and ends or maybe it just wants to mean rubbish or worthless trash.  I suspect that these divergent definitions could have led to some pretty quaddley encounters if you defined its use in the wrong way.  As an example, I will use the sentence about my life:
My life has been quisquilious but it has worked for me thus far.

Translated by the two definitions
My life has been composed of odds and ends but it has worked for me thus far.  Not bad.  It explains that I am happy with my life in all of its bits and pieces.  That one works as a positive statement.
My life has been worthless rubbish but it has worked for me thus far.  Whoa!  A workable sentence but it makes me sound like I am a bit of a lack luster person who is underwhelmed by my existence but maybe a bit too lazy to do anything about it.  I see a fight coming on!

Alright, now that you know the danger of this word, which really only exists if the other person has ever heard it, go out and share it.  Can you use it in both of its meanings?  Just be careful, you will probably have to explain what you are talking about.

Be brave.  Quisquilious may not be quotidian but its use can contribute to a persons quaint quidditativeness.

Here are the definitions for the wacky words that I threw in to this Facile Friday post.  Feel free to toss them about like so much confetti.
Quoz - weird, strange or absurd
Querken - Stifle
Quaddle - Grumble
Queme - Pleasant
Quotidian - Commonplace
Queirmony - Complaint
Quidditative - Quirky, eccentric
Quem quaeritis? - Whom do you seek?

Monkey Queen

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