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Friday, January 20, 2012

Facile Friday - Can I?

I Think I Can, I Think I Can, I Think I Can!

My son is 7 years old and has been asking to have his bed moved to ground level.  His way cool loft bed with a slide attachment has lost it's coolness and he wants down!
So I was thinking.....How hard can it be to build a bed?  With some storage?  A captain's bed maybe?  I am putting it out to the world that I, Monkey Queen, am going to build my son a captain's bed.  I am not a carpenter so it may not be a beautiful work of craftsmanship BUT it will be much cheaper than what I could buy in a store AND I will learn to build a captain's bed.

Now, I am looking at what I have that I do everyday and seeing where I can carve out some time to become Norm Abrahamson, master carpenter and I will need to learn to do some whiddling first.  My to do list looks like this:

1. Whiddle time to build the monkey's bed

Seriously, that is all I've got.
I know that it can be done because we did it with the giantic wooden fort that we put together a few years ago.  That was a project!  But then I think about my downstairs bathroom and I cringe because it is STILL a work in progress and we are going on 4 years.  Did I mention it is only 3 feet by 7 feet?

I am going to do this!  Even if it takes me 10 years!  The monkey can take it to college with him if I finish it by then.  STOP!  I need to think positively and believe I can do this.  Credendo Vides!! (By believeing, one sees)  I will visualize the completed project and shore that up with my deep belief that I can complete this in a reasonable amount of time.

Thanks for listening and wish me luck.

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