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Friday, February 10, 2012

Facile Friday - Dog Liker

(Ominous toned strings playing in the background) 
There is a fifth dimension beyond that which is known to man. It is the middle ground between light and shadow, between science and superstition, and it is bounded by the pit of man's fears and the summit of his knowledge. This is the dimension of imagination. It is an area which we call the Twilight Zone. 

It is funny to me the different types of people that call themselves "animal lovers".  I have met so many fanatical animal lovers that I have a tendency to never use phrases like "I am a dog lover" or "I love dogs".  I will tell my friends that I love dogs but to strangers I will say that I really like dogs.  Why all of this covert dog loving?  Well, let me tell you a story.

Roger is in a new puppy class at a local dog facility(don't ask because I am not telling) and they run a very, let's say, tight ship.  Roger and many of the other dogs are under a year old and puppies are puppies, they just want to be friends with each other.  This is apparently verboten!  As Roger walks near other dogs, sniffing and whining to greet them, some of the owners push deeply into the back of their folding chair to escape the closeness.  They wince at the thought of a potential meeting of doggie minds.  

Roger is about 50 pounds, short and thick, but with big "I love you" eyes and a goofy demeanor that some have said makes him the happiest dog they have ever met.  He got out of his collar once during the class and did exactly what you would expect, he ran over and met the other dogs. The leader of this puppy class has said to my husband on more that one occasion "I really am terrified that he will get out of his collar!"  Her reactions to our dog started to give my husband a complex of sorts.  He worked it out this week and is now just taking her paranoia in stride.  My question is why is she so freaked out about a small 7 month old puppy?  Why?  Is it because of  

His over indulgent sloppy kisses?

His waggy wide-eyed butt sniffing?

His uber muttness, a true son of a bitch who never knew his father.

Terrified?  Really?

This I would be terrified of!

Even this I might freak me out a little....

But this?  Come on now!

Roger is a lover not a fighter, has a playful personality and is a wonderfully social animal.  He will get something good out of this class and so will we.  We will know to not go back to this place to train our dog unless we are looking for more of a decorative element pet who will sit in the corner and not interact.

As for me, I like my sloppy, howly, jowly, big eyed hound dog with all of this foibles, overflowing personality and the desire to try and take over the best part of the bed.

Let me tell you a secret...I am a dog lover.

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