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Friday, September 20, 2013

Facile Friday - Did you know...

I thought that you might like to get a little of the inside scoop.

Did you know that you can buy a head of celery, eat the majority of it and then grow it right there in your kitchen.  Really!  I had heard that this was possible so I hacked the stalks off of the core, leaving about two inches and then just sat it in a bowl of water.  Three days later, there were little stalks of celery growing out of the center of the core.  Is that cool or what?!

Did you know that the best zucchini bread I ever made was actually banana bread?  Well, it was. I found a zucchini banana bread recipe by the Brown-eyed Baker that is to die for and I got to use some of the massive squash crop that we have been blessed with.

Did you know that when I was younger, someone I knew turned me into a comic book villain?  I love being a comic book villain, as well as a totally buff babe!

Did you know that smelt are the best little fish on the planet?  If you like fish and you have never had smelt, you need to try them.  They are like fish popcorn, you can just pop the cleaned (no head, fins or guts) fish in your mouth bones and all.  Yum!!

Did you know that you can bake eggs to get them to be hard-boiled?  If you like hard boiled eggs and like them really creamy in the center and not rubbery at all...bake them!

Here is an easy recipe to follow to get some of the best hard eggs you have ever had.  I use muffins tins to hold the eggs, it just seems a bit more secure to me.  I don't ever want to be in the position of having to get hard cooked eggs off the bottom of my oven.

Finally, did you know that a simple muffin dipped in melted butter and rolled in spiced sugar is the best thing on the planet?  The doughnut muffin!

Yea, you probably did know that.

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