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Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Everyone should have a bucket list, is my personal opinion.  That grand list of goals that you would love to achieve before you kick the actual bucket.

I have had a bucket list for a really long time.  I  collected it's pieces over many years and have actually been able to cross out many of the things that were on the original; Skydiving, scuba diving, traveling alone, to name a few.

I am regularly revising the list as times and my desires change.  What do I add?  Anything! Recently, I had a dream about a submarine and my trip on it over a span of a week.  It was a great dream!  I am always inspired to add to the list by what is going on right now.  A friend, K Crane, artist and art therapist extraordinaire, is working with me to illustrate a children's story so I had to add that one to the list. 

What is on your list?

Here is part of my current list. 
Ride in a submarine (there's that dream)
Be my own boss
Pay off all debt
Get the children's book published (Thanks for the help with this one K)
Swim with dolphins
Become a well known blogger (I am workin' on this one)
Write a novel
Learn to play piano
Buy a bigger home with some land around it
Become a practicing Psychologist
Visit Ireland
Lose 30 pounds (Have had this one since Max was born!)
Take cooking class(s) (I must choose wisely to also accomplish the previous goal)
Teach at a University
Jump out of a plane, again
Own a llama or two
Meet John Cusack in person (John, If you are reading this...Call me and we can set up a time)
Touch John Cusack without getting arrested (Keep it clean people!)
Take a family driving vacation for a month
Spend the night in an old castle
Build a log cabin
Take a sleep over train trip
Ride in a hot air balloon
Cook with Alton Brown
Order the “Kitchen Table Menu” at Charlie Trotters and leave with a few bucks in my pocket
Take Max to Disney World
Catch and cook a lobster
Go back to Fiji
Visit Pike Place Fish Market and catch a fish
Travel to Bhutan
See a lion in the wild
Ride a donkey in the Grand Canyon
Take a photo a day for a year (The new year is coming up fast.  Hmmmmm?)
Learn to roller skate
Join a roller derby team for at least one game (I want to do this really bad! But I need to skate first)
Learn to water ski again
Go to Mardi Gras (Hopefully while my boobs can still get me beads)
Stay at the Poseidon Underwater Hotel in the Bahamas
Touch a whale shark
Speak Spanish well
Please always remember and don't every forget;
"The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss, but that it is too low and we reach it."

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