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Friday, October 1, 2010

My Brother Steve

I was chatting with someone at work and my brother Steve came up.  I never talk about Steve because...well...he is not with us anymore.  He was a great brother.

Hold on, hold on!  Before I get sympathy cards, let me explain.
When my brothers and I were young, we could be a handful.  This is where the "grandmother's curse" first took root but that is another story.  My parents and their friends used all of their skills to manage, manipulate, and control our rambunctious behavior.  My fondest memory of this type of behavior modification came in the form of our brother Steve.  I don't remember who actually started the rumor about Steve, I think it was a uncle we called Benoit, but don't quote me on that.  The Steve exchanges went something like this:

"You know your brother Steve did that once!" 
"But we don't have a brother Steve?" 

As I grew up, I often thought about Steve.  I wondered what he was like, where he lived, etc..  Now, I knew that he wasn't real but it was still kind of fun to think about him.  Once, I was watching my favorite1990's science show called "Beyond 2000" and there was my eldest brother, Steve!  He was working on the show as an Australian sound man.  I was living in California at the time but had to call my parents and let them know that I had found him.  Hooray!  They were ecstatic at this information but strangely, did not follow up with Steve in any way.  Hmmmmm.

I still like to wonder what Steve is like.
OK, the knight might be a bit fantastic. I get it.

I love that fact that Steve is an outdoorsy kind of guy.  He must have had his son at a very early age.

Nice work Steve! EMT is a very noble profession.


 Steve Foy.
 He likes his drinks blended with a paper umbrella and a straw.

Ah Steve, he plays for the love of the game and not for the money.  He is living in Peru and plays for a rain forest league.  Now that is commitment.

Even though, as a child, I thought that my evil parents sent my poor sweet brother Steve away because he was sooooo bad and I found out that it was all just a rouse to keep the kids in line, I think about Steve sometimes.  How cool is it to have a brother that will live forever and is whatever it is that I choose to make him.  I think that today he WILL be that Knight!


k.somerville said...

I think I went to prom with your brother Steve. The last thing I remember was a shot of Bacardi and constantly pulling up my strapless gown.

Don't Make Me Call My Flying Monkeys! said...

Steve was a Bacardi kind of guy! Sounds like you guys had a ton o' fun.

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