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Monday, October 18, 2010

What Would You Choose?

What super power would you choose if you could only have one of the following:


I have been pondering this question on and off since I was young.  Sometimes I choose flying and other times, invisibility.  Why do I struggle with this question so much?

It would be really cool to be able to fly.  I could be a much more green citizen because I wouldn't have to drive everywhere I went.  I would travel more and it would be free!  I could really truly "power off" as I flew home after a hard day at work.  But what about the other advantages, things like flying super fast, jumping unbelievably high, and hovering.  You could probably add running fast too, as this would really just be a very close to the ground flying. Yup, flying would be awesome!  Or would it?  I remember getting a pogo stick when I was about 12 years old, it was super fabulous for about a week.  Then it got really boring.  This is what I think it would be like with the ability to fly. I would fly, fly, fly and then it would be like driving my car, just another way to get around.  What about the potential that you are flying to work and some obnoxious  people decide to lob heavy objects at you for the fun of it?  You are vulnerable when flying and that is a definite downside.

Then there is invisibility.....

Credit: iStockphoto

 As powerful and freeing as flying would be, invisibility magnifies the potential by 100.  Imagine being able to sneak up on bad guys who have taken hostages and save everyone with out the bad guys knowing what was happening, maybe sneaking into the lair of the bad guys and listening to their plans to do evil in the future and defeating the plan before it even happens.  These are very powerful ways to use the invisibility tool, but then there are the OTHER things you can do with it.  You could shoplift, peep, physically assault, and listen to conversations that you would otherwise miss.  These are not the positive, socially redeeming aspects of the power, but they are the things that most people think about when they are entertaining the idea of choosing one over the other.  After all is said and done, with invisibility you become an almost non-person.  You might be able to hear your friends talking about you but what if they aren't saying nice things?  Would you still want to listen?  Wandering through the world without being noticed is cool in theory but it sounds more like a covert escape from the world.  My biggest invisibility question has always been, do you need to be naked?  That might be a total pain!

Sometimes I feel like I should give back to the world in a very lasting way and avoid temptation, I pick flying. Other times I want to do good but I also want to be the fly on the wall, get that really cool jacket that I can't afford, or get into a movie with out paying, I choose invisibility.

Is it wrong?  Let's just say that I am going with flying...for now.

Tell me what you would choose.

Please always remember and don't ever forget:
"O! for the horse with wings!"
William Shakespeare

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