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Friday, February 4, 2011

Facile Friday - Nudiustertian

Nudists playing Tetris for three days?

NUDIUSTERTIAN (nu-di-uhs-TUR-shuhn)is exactly like it sounds.  Rising out of the 1980's, this word was often used to describe the crazed game play by those believing that clothing should always be optional.  As the game of Tetris had less of a cult like following the use of the word declined and today it is rarely ever used.  There are pockets of nudists throughout the United States who still have regular tetris weekends and often advertise them as "Nudiustertian Delights".  Sounds like fun doesn't it?

Oh wait........sorry....I really thought that I had this one, but when I finally looked it up it actually means something totally different. hmmmm.  I was so sure.

Nudiustertian actually means "pertaining to the day before yesterday" or "the very newest".  I know it doesn't have much to do with nudists playing Tetris but it was fun to pretend.  This is a freakishly old word that some poor cobbler uttered with regards to the Queen and her attire in 1647.  If you look this word up on the Internet, the only, and I do mean only, reference they site is that of Nathaniel Ward.  Nate was a puritan minister and apparently had a bit of a sense of humor, humor being a relative term.  In 1647 he wrote a pamphlet titled "The Simple Cobler of Aggawam in America".  This is said to be one of the earliest examples of American humor and satire, where Nate defended the status quo by warning his fellow citizens not to stray too far from their religious duty to Puritan morals and to quit wearing those fancy clothes!  

So I was thinking that I might go and see if I can pick up the nudiustertian version of the dictionary.  Though the word is archaic, nudiustertian is pretty darn easy to slip into a sentence properly.  So go forth and spread the word....literally.  Practice saying it and then see if you can toss the Facile Friday word out there for everyone to admire.

Monkey Queen

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