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Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The Unnecessary Freezing of Water

It snowed a little here in Racine.  Just a little.  Really.
We had quite the night on Tuesday, blowing, drifting, and white out conditions.  How fun is that!?  I had a motivation this morning to shovel....the poor dog had to go out.  As I slowly pushed my way out the 3 foot drift that covered out back door, I finally saw what we were up against.  There were drifts that buried our 4 foot fence, and some that were higher then that!  I cleared a large area and out came the dog, who just stood there and stared at me as if to say "Are you freaking kidding?  I can't poop in 4 foot deep snow!"  Then he promptly went back inside.  You just can't please some people!  I mean, animals.

 So I shoveled a path to the garage, which really felt like a useless activity considering we can't go anywhere.  But the dog might finally appreciate my effort, so I shoveled on.  Time to see what awaits us in the alley.  Slowly the garage door opened and ....

I suppose I could be bummed out that I can't get out of my garage or out of the alley(also not plowed) but I refuse to do anything but look on the positive side.  Hmmm, let me think a minute...................
I DON"T HAVE TO GO TO WORK!!!!!!  That could be a positive, don't you think?  I am going with the tingly feeling that I got just thinking about not going into work.  Sometimes you just have to say "What the farfegnugen!" (see F-Word post)

OK, so now that there is one way in and one way out of the back yard, I can get my 6 year old ball of energy our here to participate in a blizzard aftermath that he will remember like I remember the blizzard of 1979 in Chicago.

Pretty excellent!  Blizzards rock!

There is nothing like a good blizzard to make you feel like a kid again.  Excuse me while I go and throw myself off of the porch.  

Monkey Queen

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k.somerville said...

holy shit. you are snowed in until June. Better start making some crock pot bread and put some coffee on girl.

Don't Make Me Call My Flying Monkeys! said...

@K. Crane: Big Fat Art Cloth
I actually got to work this morning, not that I count that as a good thing, but all the neighbors chipped in their efforts and cleared pretty much the entire alley so we could all get out! Blizzards bring out the best in people!
By the way, it was beef stew, homemade guinness molasses bread, and coco puff treats. (coco pufs and melted marshmellows)

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