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Friday, March 11, 2011

Facile Friday - Verbigerate

Friday, Friday, Friday.  Today is Facile Friday.  Dagnabit.

I can't believe that Friday has come again.  Time flies when you are forced to work for a living, dagnabit.  It flies when you need a new water heater, dagnabit, and your dog is tracking mud in the house, dagnabit, and your fish sleeps upside down in the tank because his bubbly, brainy head has grown over his eyes and he is now essentially blind, dagnabit, and no matter how hard you try, you just can't keep your house clean, dagnabit. 

Sorry, I wasn't even aware that I was doing that, the Facile Friday word that is.  It happens sometimes, I repeat a word or phrase, usually unconciously. dagnabit.  If this is something that you do then you too verbigerate.

When I was in highschool I use to say "goes" and "like" all the time.  I couldn't stop!  It was so horrible, but everyone said it and I absorbed it and made it my own.  It went something like this.....

I would meet up with friends in the hall at school and we would chat between classes.
"Ann!  Oh my god!  Cathy told me about Ben and what he said.  I was like, you have got to be kidding me! And then she goes, No I am serious and I was like, no way.  And she goes, Ben is a total douche and I was like totally and she goes, yea!"

I apologize for the punctuation, or lack there of, but it is all just so improper that I don't know how to make it anything but a Kantian run-on. 

So anyway, one day someone pointed out to me that I was doing all of this "goes" and "like" and explained how stupid I sounded.  As soon as it was pointed out, I heard it coming out of my mouth every time and I still couldn't stop it from happening.  It was similar to buying a purple car because you want to be unique and have never seen a purple car on the road.  Once you drive the purple car off the lot you start to see them everywhere.  I heard "like" and "goes" so much from everyone it became like a water torture...drip, drip, drip.  I HAD to stop this!  It took me a few months of deep breathing and conserted effort to break myself of the habit of "like" and "goes" but I did it.  I was no longer verbigerate and I was like totally darn proud of it!

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k.somerville said...

that's funny - I used to do it too!

Don't Make Me Call My Flying Monkeys! said...

Isn't that interesting that some fads are like totally universal? No matter where you go, there you are!

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