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Friday, March 18, 2011

Facile Friday - St Patrick's and Spring

What time of year is it?
It is that time of year when you recoil after pressure has been applied.  No, no, it's the time of year when you bubble up from a point in the ground in the form of liquid water. is when you experience sudden and vigorous activity!

I know, you're right.  It is actually an increase in energy, vitality and particularly sexual appetite during the waining days of winter.

Come on!

The vernal equinox will happen on March 20th and this is the official beginning of spring.  On this day there is 12 hours of daylight and 12 hours of darkness.  After the 20th of March, 2011 the sun will get higher in the sky in the northern hemisphere till summer is upon us and lower in the sky in the southern hemisphere till they experience the winter season.  

Here is an interesting tidbit:
The pagan goddess, Eostre was the goddess of dawn, fertility and new beginnings.  She had a friend who happened to be a bunny, cute and furry, and she thought it would be really cool if her friend could lay eggs on the spring equinox.  A little weird, but it was just a once a year event and I think the the bunny kind of liked it.  Funny that we all still look for the bunny and the freaky eggs it lays in the yard.  The Christians celebrated the rebirth of Christ around the same time of year, so they used the pagan goddess', name for their holiday and decided to add in the cute and furry friend too.

If you are adventurous, there is a trick that you can try.  They say that the perfect time to attempt this little trick is on the spring equinox.  Here is what you have to do....get yourself an egg, a raw egg and go outside, unless your wife is out of town and you are feeling really daring.  Take 5 deep breathes.  Now center yourself and stand the egg on it's end.  Are you ready?  You need to make yourself as light as a feather and bring your best balance into play then step up on the egg.  If you do it right, you should be able to balance on the egg without breaking it.  Really!  If at first you don't succeed, bring a dozen eggs outside with you and persevere.

There was a young fellow named Hall
who died in the spring in the fall.
'Twould have been a bad thing
had he died in the spring
but he didn't — he died in the fall.

Happy St. Patrick's Day, Happy Spring and bring on the warm weather!

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