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Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Some days are just a bonus!

Do you ever have those days?
I have had plenty of days that seem to last forever.  I am tired, over worked, harried, lazy, frustrated and generally over done.  But then there are days or weeks that sneak up on you.  They lay very low and you may not see them coming when....

Suddenly a day or week rises up to let you know that you are really lucky, relaxed, calm, doing it right, working hard, efficient, and generally happy.

Here is to those days!  The ones that keep you waking up in the morning on the days that last forever.  I love those sneaky gooey days of feeling good.

To all of you out there who are waiting for one of those days......they come, you just need to keep doing what you do and do it well.

Did you have a good time? Did you enjoy this post? Let me know and leave a comment. Share the post with your family and friends on your favorite social media or subscribe and help support Flying Monkeys. If you go to StumbleUpon using the icon on the right and click the “I Like it” button(it’s free), you help other people to discover Don’t Make Me Call My Flying Monkeys and that will help our little blog grow and our monkeys can keep doing what they do best - FLY. Thank you for all of your support. The Monkey Queen                             


k.somerville said...

I love unexpectedly great days. I'm hoping to have one tomorrow, that is unexpectedly...

Don't Make Me Call My Flying Monkeys! said...

@K. Crane: Big Fat Art Cloth
After quite the dry spell, I am having a pretty good run of all that is good. I plan on riding this wave all the way to the beach!

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