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Sunday, November 28, 2010

Historical Precedence

1991 - Cheery weren't we!
Last night I ate a fabulous plate of steak tacos at Los Mariachis in Racine with a friend that I have had for...Gulp...just about 30 years!
After she left, I though about what it is to have a person, outside of your blood family, that you have had in your life for 30 years.  Wow, what a revelation.  Really!

We met in 1980 or so in a group called Mariner Scouts.  They were girl scouts on water and we did things like sailing, canoeing, rafting, and any myriad of activities that were happening on that glorious aqueous solution.  When we first met we were in very different places and I think it is safe to say that we really didn't care one way or another for each other.

Time and contact can make a world of difference and we found ourselves around each other much more often when we were in our sophomore year in high school.  We became virtually inseparable, as often friends can be at that age but life has a way of testing every friendship and I can tell you that over 30 years ours has been through ups, downs, and sideways, but still it persists in various forms.  Though we haven't had the time to spend with each other over the last few years, we reconnected recently and it was very nice to spend that time getting to know her where she is now.
Circa 1991 in San Jose, CA
We had a great time laughing, playing with Max and just goofing around on a Saturday.  It is a really cool thing to have that friend that has an historical bond, like family, they just always seem to be around regardless of time, distance, or other obstacles.  30 years.  Holy Moly!

Please always remember and don't ever forget:


Anonymous said...

hi, new to the site, thanks.

Don't Make Me Call My Flying Monkeys! said...

Glad that you dropped by and hope that you come back and visit again.

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