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Wednesday, March 2, 2011

My Little Big Man

My dear son is 6, add another half in March, and his old soul pops out when I least expect it.  I wouldn't see it as often if it weren't occasionally frozen by a photo.

This is the first picture that I remember looking at Max and thinking that he appeared to be much older then he actually was.  How old does he look here? 3 yrs old?  That is what I thought but he wasn't even 2 yet!

He has always had a great sense of humor and maybe his being funny and hamming it up makes him look at little older?

The next time his elder being tried to come out was when he got the chance to sneak onto a bobcat at his Oompy and Boompy's house.  Now how old is he?  A little harder this time huh?  He was almost 3 but when I look at him in this one he looks like he is 4 or 5 to me.  Maybe it is just me.  Let's look a bit further.

Here is my 6 yr old boy!  Oh, wait!  This one taken only 2 months after the bobcat photos.  He aged 2 more years in 2 months.  What is up with that!!!  He was only suppose to be 3 years old.  So let's move on......

Max's inner older kid came roaring out on this day, 2 days after his 5th birthday.  I took this picture and when I looked at it there was a 10 year old boy looking back at me.  That means I aged 5 more years in the blink of a flash.  They weren't kidding when they say that children age you!  I swear I woke up with a lot more grey hair the next morning.

Finally, let me show you a picture that I took the other day.  Do you see it!?  I do.  My sweet, little, big boy is letting me see a glimpse of his 12 year old self.  I think I need to go and lay down, I feel the grey coming out again.  For now, I will flash back to a time before I was able to see Max's older self.  It comforts me.

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