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Friday, May 20, 2011

Facile Friday

Some people ask me about my musician husband, so this post will be all about the hubby.
Renee, how did you meet your husband?
I would love to say it is a crazy romantic story but it really isn't for the most part.  I spent a week over the summer in 1999 driving around the Midwest with a friend and listening to Mississippi John Hurt during the entire trip.  "I must learn to play the guitar like that!"  was my mantra.  Now if you have known me for a while you know that I get a wild hair every so often and obsess on an idea, needing to carry it out to fruition.  When I was 16 years old my wild hair drove me to build a banjo with inlaid mother of pearl and all that jazz.  Then I decided that if I built it I should learn to play it.  Novel approach huh?  

Well, my hair was pushing me to learn some finger-style guitar and I started to look for someone to teach me.  I was told that if finger-style was what I wanted then I needed to seek out Paul Kaye because he was the authority on the style.  I found him in Evanston, IL and set up a lesson.  He was kind of cute and was a really good guitar teacher so I went with it.  After about 6 months I had developed a crush and went to see him at a small venue in Chicago.  I had a few drinks and as the show ended I summoned up the courage to ask him out.  He said "OK." and the rest is history.  Really!  I swear, that's how it happened.

What is it like being married to a musician?
Good question!  It is not for the faint of heart, that's for sure.  I work a regular day job and his job is usually at night and on the weekends.  He works because everyone else is playing. It can be hard because most weekends he is not around or is around very little.  We are like those ships that they talk about,we often just pass in the night.  I come home and then he is gone, but we manage it.  Did I mention that he plays his guitar while he flicks channels on the television?  No?  Well, that is probably a good thing.

How awesome to have your house filled with music all the time!
You are so right!  Music in the house is a great thing except when you are tired of it, then it can be down right annoying.  We have pretty much worked that out too.  Thank goodness.

What kind of musician is your husband?
He plays the guitar, mandolin, banjo, and various other instruments and is a bit of a blues nerd.  Here is a little sample of what he does.


Now, if you prefer an electric blues sound you can always pick up the groove on this one.


Does Paul teach guitar?
Yes he does.  He teaches at the Old Town School of Folk Music in Chicago and Hogeye Music in Evanston, IL. He also does specialty seminars at schools and private lessons.

So there ya go.  My husband is a freakishly talented guy and now you all know it!  If you want to see where he plays please feel free to look up his facebook page (Paul Kaye) and friend him.  Just tell him that his unbelievably beautiful and tolerant wife sent you via this blog post and you will be in like Flynn.

Happy Friday and have a great weekend!

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