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Friday, April 27, 2012

Facile Friday - Eructation

A burp, belch, dakaar, geppu, roteror vomir, rutto, eructation is a release of air or gas trapped inside the stomach.   

In some countries, a burp is the ultimate compliment to the chef, so if you are in Germany, Canada or China let it all out.  If you are visiting Japan, France, Italy or the UK you will need to hold back on this kind of compliment lest you call forth the raised eyebrows of insulted patrons. 

When I was a kid I was known for what some referred to as speed burping.  I would suck in and then expel air repeatedly in quick succession.   

There was always an added bonus to this type of belching, there would be a little air left behind at each burp and that would allow for a massive expulsion, sometimes of an incredible duration and volume. 

I really miss those days and so I am on a quest to find out my heritage, my roots, my familial background.

When I think of my mom, I wouldn't say that a good hearty belch comes to mind but I must say that when I asked her about giving me a little taste of what she could do, she really out did herself.

Nice one Mom!!

Let me tell you about my dad....he is a pretty funny guy, a punster at heart.  He mentioned how strange it will be that my son and the other grandchildren will have such an odd record of their grandparents.  This blog houses funny stories, mundane events and the occasional oddity that will inform the future of what my parents were in more than one aspect of their lives.  Interesting observation daddy-o and with that deep and meaningful tidbit I introduce to you the other side of grandpa.

Unfortunately I don't have any recordings of my grandparents (wouldn't that just be weird?)  But I did manage to have 3 generations by including my handsome son. Surprisingly, he was more than willing to help me out.

So what is it that I have discovered on my journey?  Don't ask me, I have no freakin' idea. What I do know is that this whole little project made me laugh.  I mean, really laugh hard.   There is something about burping into a recording device that is very freeing and empowering.

In other words, I am feeling free and empowered while I am laughing my way to a mean rendition of the pee pee dance.

Did you have a good time? Did you enjoy this post? Let me know and leave a comment. Share the post with your family and friends on your favorite social media or subscribe with an email address and help other people to discover Don’t Make Me Call My Flying Monkeys, that will help our little blog grow and our monkeys can keep doing what they do best - FLY. Thank you for all of your support. The Monkey Queen                             

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