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Friday, April 20, 2012

Facile Friday - One Hot Mama

A feeling of warmth spreading through your upper body and face
A flushed appearance with red, blotchy skin
Rapid heartbeat
Perspiration, mostly on your upper body

When I was younger these were signs that you had a horrible crush on a boy, but now…… 

I am proud to admit that I am 46, soon to be 47, years old.  I have talked before about how I am learning to deal with my body and the freaky changes gravity is forcing on me as I get older.  I have a question though, what the heck is up with these hot flash things?

I was sitting at work, quietly tap tapping on my computer keyboard when I noticed that I appeared to have sprung an internal leak of some sort of molten material.  Really!  I stopped, dropped and rolled to no avail, and then I realized that it was over (The hot flash that is, my co-workers were still wondering why I was rolling wildly on the floor of my little cubicle).  “That sucked”, was really all I could think about all aspects of this particular event.
I was sleeping soundly when I was awoken by my arms and legs wildly flailing about in an unconscious attempt to remove all of the offending materials before combustion occurred and 911 would have to be called.  Then, as suddenly as it had appeared, it was gone and I found myself laying spread eagle in my bed (I was increasing my surface area to accelerate the cooling process) and shivering from the cold.
These are just two of the flipping tons of searing blazes that have ignited inside of my body over the last month or so and I don’t even have the pleasure of saying that it was because of a frisky episode with my hubby.  Darn it!!
My new friend, on the right, in a rarely seen happy moment, still visits but far less often and almost never at night any more.  I found these one time a day herbal pills called iCool and after about a week they have actually reduced the frequency of said flashes.  I am exstatic about this and have asked that my friend return in the winter months when he could actually do me some good. 

Did you have a good time? Did you enjoy this post? Let me know and leave a comment. Share the post with your family and friends on your favorite social media or subscribe with an email address and help other people to discover Don’t Make Me Call My Flying Monkeys, that will help our little blog grow and our monkeys can keep doing what they do best - FLY. Thank you for all of your support. The Monkey Queen                             


Michele said...

I always say that I am not having hot flashes, I am having power surges. Love, Mother.

Michele said...

Another side effect. I forgot to say how much I liked your blog today. I liked it this much.
M, again.

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