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Friday, June 21, 2013

Facile Friday - In the Summertime...

Cleaning up outdoors, planting grass seed and veggie gardens, baseball, riding bikes, and all that stuff we do when the weather turns warm.

I love the summer and look forward to it for most of the winter months.  Now it is here and I have so many things that I want to do and so little time.  I feel like I could take a 14 day vacation and fill it entirely with just the "around the house" stuff that needs to get done, but I want to have some fun too.

Every day I get home from work and park my car in the garage and duck under my kayak that hangs from the ceiling.  The other day I looked up at it and thought...Max is old enough to try this out, he might even like it.

I have been a water person for as long as I can remember.  I was in Mariner Scouts when I was younger (Girl Scouts on water) we had sailing lessons, white water rafting, canoeing and all manner of water sports that we participated in.  I wore one of these snappy little numbers on occasion.  I actually had the top of years after I graduated high school.

When I got older I did canoe marathons and the spent many years racing Hawaiian outrigger canoes in Northern California.  I worked for an adventure company for a few years teaching sea kayaking on Lake Michigan, running canoe trips to the Boundary Waters and rock climbing trips in Baraboo, WI..  Then I got serious.  I finished college, got my master's degree, got a REAL job, got married and had a baby all in about 5 years.  Whew!

I hung up my paddles for a while, with the exception of steering Dragon Boats for a local Dragon Boat Race/Festival.  It has been a long time since I put my butt in a boat of any kind and I am thinking that this summer I may have to dust of the touring kayak and get it in the water.  There is nothing like sitting on the surface of a lake and paddling your kayak down the shore just because you can.

I think that I have a mission for this summer, get the kayak in the water!  I need to get my soul soaking wet!!

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