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Friday, June 28, 2013

Facile Friday - Sign Posts Along the Way

I was thinking the other day how life can be kind of mysterious. 

Sometimes we just can't know why or how some things happen.  I remember talking to a Swami once at a gathering when my mother worked witht the World Hunger Project and I was about 16 years old, I had asked him if he had an explanation for Deja Vu.  You know, that thing where you have the feeling that you have done this or seen this before, exactly as it appears.  This is what he said...

As we are being born, our perfect life flashes before our eyes and is imbedded in our brain.  As we go through our life we will be given sign posts of sorts that let us know that we are where we are suppose to be on our path.  Deja vu is just that, a sign post.  You recognize the event or circumstance because you have experienced it as you were being born.

After much thought, I decided that I really liked this explanation because it actually could explain other things that seem to be fate, luck or happenstance.  Many of the adventures that I have gone on or the things that I have experienced in my life have appeared to be just destiny.  They were often me being in the right place at the right time and usually that happened because I was doing something else and this rogue opportunity came along out of the blue and I took it.

So deja vu or not, when something comes together easily and with minimal effort, I see it as one of those sign posts telling me this is where I am suppose to be and this decision is the right one for right now.  A kind of universal affirmation if you will. 

We struggle, scrimp and save and pinch our pennies, crossing our fingers that our grand plans for our family will all work out.  Then, when we appear to be watching the plans crash and burn, and we have relegated ourselves to making drastic revisions...a sign post appears and all the circumstances change in an instant.  Funny how that works huh?

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