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Friday, June 7, 2013

Facile Friday - Moving Forward to the Past

In 1885 in a place called Winter Park, Florida, a Man named James Samuel Capen built a house.  128 years later the house continues to stand and, with the help of some face lifts over the years, looks fabulous.  So why do they want to tear it down?

Historic homes all over the country are being razed so that newer homes can be built in their place.  Big machinery will roll onto the property and push down the structure that, in some cases, has withstood the forces of nature for over a century.  In the case of the Capen House in Winter Park, FL the home went into foreclosure and the bank asked that its position on the historic registry be rescinded to make the sale of the home easier for the bank.

The home sold but a demolition permit was issued and sometime around June 13, 2013 the house will be knocked down.

This was the Capen home in the early 1900's.  That is lake Osceola in the background.

This is the Capen home now.  Check out this real estate listing with photos.

The new owners of the home have said that they will donate the home to anyone who will move it and my cousin has taken to finding out if there is some way to save the home.  Did I mention that our family heritage is Capen?  The Capens have an exciting lineage and I would love for this old house to side step the bulldozers and be relocated to a relaxing spot somewhere in Winter Park to live out the next 100 years.

If you would like to read more about this house and the trials and tribulations you can visit the Preservation Winter Park blog.

If you are someone who can help to save the Capen House, the Preservation Winter Park Blog appears to have a robust comment section regarding this issue and questions should be directed there.

Go get 'em Melissa!

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1 comment:

Joanne T Ferguson said...

G'day HOW sad to knock down a building of history!
I hope something can be done, because once it is knocked down...nothing will remain for future generations to learn and see!
Cheers! Joanne

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