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Saturday, July 6, 2013

Facile Saturday - When Roger lost his wag

I have been on vacation over the fourth of July week and it has been great, except for one small glitch.  Roger lost his wag!

As some of you may know, we have a black and tan coon hound that we rescued two years ago.  He is a wonderful dog who has an obsession with water that is evident every time I turn on the hose. We took him down to Lake Michigan for the first time this year to get him in the water and he was all in for the experience.  He chased ducks and swam, swam, swam.  It was a ton of fun.

Flash forward a few hours after we left the lake and I kept hearing this low whimper from the couch.  Roger was laying down, sitting up, laying down, sitting up and just didn't seem to be able to get comfortable.  I let him out in the yard to see what transpired.  Nothing unusual.  I watched him for a while and noticed that he kept biting at his tail and then I noticed that his tail, usually a giant curl over his back, was just kind of hanging off of his back end.


"My dog's tail is....."  Google filled in the rest by adding the word limp to my sentence.
"My dog's tail is limp." Then came the links and there were lots of them.  I went to a few sites but this one told me what I needed to know.

My initial reaction was concern that Roger was experiencing discomfort then came the laughter that my dog's wag was broken!

Now let me reassure everyone that Roger will recover his wag and he will be fine.

Poor Roger is suffering what is termed Limber Tail.  Essentially, he over used his tail/stabilizing muscles. Dogs use their tails to help stabilize themselves and he played in the water for a while and was not ready for the effort that he used.  Suffice to say, he was a 2 mile a day runner who suddenly ran a marathon, only his muscle fatigue made it so that he can't wag or lift his tail.

I am constantly amazed at the things that I learn everyday.  Certainly, they are not all as interesting as a wagless dog but still.....

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