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Saturday, November 6, 2010

Crop Circles and Flotsam, Who Would Have Known?

This plant is telling me something.  Can you guess what it might be?

If you said "I'm dying!"   You would be correct.  My poor plants and....well....actually my whole house right now is a disaster area.  I generally don't let people know that my house is a war zone but in the spirit of honesty and believing that I am not the only one who has this issue ( Please tell me I am not the only one!) I am going to bare all.

OK, so I work all week and when Saturday comes around the LAST thing I really want to do is clean!  Seriously, I hate frickin' cleaning!  If I were smart or efficient, I would clean a little each day but with karate and dinner and being generally pooped, I don't.  There I said it.

So here is where I am right now.

The fish are experiencing global warming, as their habitat dries up.  Of course the benefit to us is that the house is beautifully humidified.

My dining room table has become the home for assorted flotsam that a snow cone maker?

I have determined that aliens come into my home when we are sleeping and leave these little piles of stuff everywhere.  They are like home bound crop circles.

Similar to the aliens, my musician husband also leaves small vignettes of musical instruments in strange places.  If only they could play themselves, then I would have music by which to suffer through this mess.

As I mentioned before, my plants are doing what they can to get my attention.  They have begun to discard their own appendages to make their intentions known.  "Water or I die" is the message they are currently sending loud and clear.

I started with the kitchen this morning.  I couldn't bring myself to be that real and show you what it looked like before I started.  This is after and hour and some crazy art pancakes. I am diggin' my T-rex.

Max was having a good time creating edible art.  I figured it was the least I could do seeing as he too, would be tortured by the day of cleaning.  His room will be where he lives today.  Calm before the storm.

 There, I said it out loud for all to hear.  The fact that I added pictures is just nuts!  My house is a mess and Max and I will spend the day, the whole day I am sure, cleaning and putting things right.   All I can say is, I wish I had a maid!

Please always remember and don't ever forget:
"My second favorite chore is ironing.  My first being hitting my head on the top bunk bed until I faint."
Erma Bombeck

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