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Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Did Ya? Did Ya, Huh?

I am feeling a bit  patriotic today, can you tell? 

It is not often that I feel a duty to do something.  I feel a duty...doody?  Sorry, I made myself laugh.  I do not feel a doody....well sometimes I do but.... I do HAVE a duty, no that's not right either.  I feel an OBLIGATION, YES that is what I am looking for.  I was driven this morning to fulfill my obligation as an citizen of the United States.  I completed the singular most powerful act that I, as an American, can muster. 

 I voted!

Whether you are voting for or against something or someone, voting is a voice that we all have, but only if we exercise it.  Make sure you let yourself be heard or you can just cancel out the other guy's vote!  Voting is an important part of change in any direction and is a right that people fought and died for.  Don't take it lightly.  So get your butt off the couch, out of your car, off the computer, away from the texting and take the time to make yourself heard.

Now go on, put on your big pants and ramble on down to your local polling place.  If you do, I promise that they will give you a cool sticker kinda like this one and you will feel super special all day.

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