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Friday, November 19, 2010

What the..... OMG!

I was in a meeting with my boss and I looked down to see that my hand appeared to be a bit on the blue side.  What the heck?

As if being in your bosses office wasn't bad enough, I notice that my left hand had taken on the strange and disconcerting color of a lack of..well...blood.  While this meeting is going on I am trying not to act too odd but I am clinching my fist and waggling my fingers, I even uncrossed my legs just in case that was what was causing the freakish blue.  When the meeting was over, I hastily left to get back to my desk and perform CPR on my appendage before all was lost.

"It doesn't feel numb." I thought to myself  "I don't have that pins and needles thing."  What is going on!?  I was sure that I didn't have a fracture or congenital heart disease.  It was only my one hand and it did not extend above my wrist.  My hand didn't feel cold, it was actually pretty warm for a blue hand.  I shook my arm and hand, I let my hand rest at my side so that it was lower than my heart, I even tried rubbing my hands together in a feeble attempt to cajole the blue hand to become red again.  None of this worked, then I noticed something else that was a bit peculiar, my other hand was a little blue but only where the blue hand touched it.

I looked at all the possibilities and I suddenly felt better.  What was it?  What could have possibly caused my hand to lose all of it's pink loveliness?

New blue jeans!

So, with a little soap and water my impending amputation was averted.  Whew!  What was impressive to me was the perfect "non-oxygenated hue that the jeans gave my hand.  It was not too blue to make me think I had been dyed but not so subtle that I didn't notice it.  Fun at work!

Please always remember and don't ever forget:

"Busted flat in Baton Rouge, waitin' for a train, feelin' near as faded as my jeans."
Janis Joplin

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