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Sunday, November 21, 2010

I'm Published!

My first accepted piece of writing for the Internet was posted today.  Yea!
Always looking for another way to make a little dough, I joined and was accepted as a contributing writer for Demand Studios, an Internet warehouse, of sorts, for freelance writers.  I created my first title, had it reviewed by an editor, did the revisions, and got my acceptance email all in about 4 days.  It was fun to do and, although I am starting out "small" with a simple "How to", I am feeling pretty darn good about the whole thing.

I created the title of the piece I wrote, so I get, for lack of a more descriptive term, royalties on my piece every time it is clicked on or viewed.  Soooooo, if you want to check out my very first contributing writer piece, you can follow the link below and I might get a few pennies for your viewing it.

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