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Friday, April 1, 2011

Facile Friday - Ummm

Another Facile Friday is here and this one is going to be an, ummmm, multimedia experience.

You can say you knew me when.  Really!  I was on the radio the other morning.  I was!  I swear!  Oh why is this so hard for you to accept?  Why was I on the radio?  Well, because I am just really cool in these here parts and they were trying to tap into my coolness to see if others could learn how to be as cool as I am.  What do you mean you think I am full of crap!?  Boy, you are just no fun at all!!  I was on the radio and I am cool, but the reasons were a bit less glamorous then I portrayed.

FINE!  I AM NOT COOL!  Man, you guys are brutal!  Here is a question for you...

What do you do when you have to speak to a group or are in some situation that makes you really nervous?  Do you fidget?  Do you stutter? Do you run screaming from the room and hide for long periods in dark places?  Everyone handles public speaking in very different ways but here is a little definition that will clue you into the Facile Friday word, "a representation of a common sound made when hesitating in speech".  Do ya know?  Think for a it?


Um is with me now like a new purple car.  Before you bought the purple car, you never saw one anywhere, but since you drove it off the lot they have suddenly appeared everywhere.  I have discovered my Um and now that I have recognized it, I must find a way to eradicate it!

So I agreed to this live on-air phone interview and they were going to call me at 6:20 AM "give or take a minute".  I was kind of freaking out but had made the commitment when....4:00 am and I started to wake up every 30 minutes or so because I was paranoid that I would over sleep.  This radio deal is turning into a pain in the arse!  Then the alarm went off and I got up to try and wake up enough to get through this stupid thing that I had said I would do.  "WHY DID I SAY I WOULD DO THIS!?"

The phone rang and now it was happening.  CRAP! It started and umm, I umm, began to answer the umm, questions.  Yea, I discovered that I say umm, or make other guttural noises an awful lot and now I hear umm everywhere.  Once you start hearing "the umm" it is amazing how much people use it.  Listen to yourself and see what you use when you need time to think. You might be surprised.  It is really just that fraction of a second to let your thoughts settle and the words come out.  Good reporters or on-air personalities just speak a little more slowly to let those words catch up.  Damn those guys!  So, now I, umm, am trying to, umm, break the, umm, habit.  Wish me, umm, luck!

By the way, I thought that I would toss the clip of the interview on here but there are a few guidelines that you must follow.
1. Do not think that this is an interview that will provide multiple levels of entertainment.  It might make you laugh at me and my Um but not much else.
2. Only comment if you love the clip and want to tell me how cool I am.
3. Remember that this is an AM radio station at an unworldly time in the morning...for me...if you are a morning person...well.....then LA DEE DA!

Without further ado, here is the infamous interview so you can hear it for yourself.  Have fun and maybe a little bit of a laugh.  I think that this could be a drinking game.  Tequila for every "Um" and Vodka for every time I say "absolutely".  You better have a designated driver!!


Because life is about the laughter!

Did you have a good time? Did you enjoy this post? Let me know and leave a comment. Share the post with your family and friends on your favorite social media or subscribe and help support Flying Monkeys. If you go to StumbleUpon using the icon on the right and click the “I Like it” button(it’s free), you help other people to discover Don’t Make Me Call My Flying Monkeys and that will help our little blog grow and our monkeys can keep doing what they do best - FLY. Thank you for all of your support. The Monkey Queen                              


Unknown said...

You gave me a big ol laugh this morning. Don't be so hard on yourself! fine! =) Now that you of the "ums" your next be 100 times better. God bless!

Don't Make Me Call My Flying Monkeys! said...

Thanks Carolyn! You are so encouraging and that makes me think that it will only be 100 years before I do this again!! I have been forced to listen to it a few more times and it isn't horrible, you are right. But....ummmmmmm

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