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Saturday, December 4, 2010

Max's Tooth

Max's first baby tooth is loose and has been for a couple of weeks.
 On Friday he couldn't eat because his tooth was so loose and waggly that when he chewed it hurt and he was pretty frustrated.  Like my father before me, I found that I really really wanted to pull that little sucker out.  One attempt was all I got before Max put the "all stop" on it but I did get a nice pop sound that detached the back side of the tooth.  Here are 3 short videos of the last 12 hours of "The Tooth".

This is right before he was going to bed on Friday.  He had been lamenting the fact that he was only able to eat yogurt and applesauce for dinner because of the "stupid tooth".

Saturday morning - Max was in a really good mood till he tried to eat breakfast.  Tears and lots of them!  "Go sit on the couch and just keep playing with it till it comes out."  This was Mom's directive and then, of course, I needed to make the video.  Are all mom's this annoying?  We didn't have the whole video thing when I was a kid, so I never had to have my parents chase me around with a camera at odd times in my life.  Wow, that would really stink! Ummmmmm.

Hooray!!  Only moments later he wiggled the darn thing right out of his mouth.  Boy was he happy and ready to EAT!

Good job Max!  Tooth fairy, here she comes!

Wonder what the going rate is for a first tooth?

Please always remember and don't ever forget:

"The tooth fairy teaches children that they can sell their body parts for money."
~David Richerby

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