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Friday, January 21, 2011

Facile Friday - Vituperate

A facile method of acquiring new vocabulary.  You might also say, an easy way to pick up a few strange words to make you look incredibly smart.

Today's Facile Friday word could be used to describe some of the mean spirited and condemning political rhetoric that has been flying about in the last few years.

What you could say is that the vituperation between candidates has been quite halting.
You could also say that when they forgot to put ketchup on my burger I vituperated the waiter.  (now, now, don't go there)

So the Facile Friday word is VITUPERATE.  Vituperate means verbal abuse or castigation; violent denunciation or condemnation, according to  So go out today and see if you can use it in your daily discourse and if you do, let me know about it and the circumstances of your usage.  I also want to know how others reacted to your use of the Facile Friday word.  Be careful not to vituperate too much though or you could go blind.

The Monkey Queen 

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