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Saturday, January 22, 2011

Dippin' Cheese Bread

Tried out a new recipe today and I must say that it is a pretty good one, quick, easy, and adaptable.
It's Saturday and Max was jonesin' for pizza for lunch.  "How about I make a dipping kind of cheese bread?"  "Excellent! Mom"

So I found this recipe at Real Mom Kitchen and added a little here and subtracted a little there.  The dough is crazy simple and came together in 10 minutes then had to rise for 30 minutes.  I put my dough in a 170 degree oven that I have turned off right before I put the dough in.  This heat allows the dough to rise fairly quickly but make sure that you cover it with a damp towel so that the dough doesn't dry out in the heat.

While the dough rises, get the rest of your ingredients together.  I used mozzarella and Parmesan cheese, a little Italian dressing, Italian seasoning, and dried chopped onions.

The next time I make this I will use less of the Italian seasonings.  I like it a bit milder then it was but it was still wonderfully flavorful.
OK, so pile all your toppings on the dough that has doubled in size and has been spread out into one large or two small pans.  I brushed the interior of the dough with the Italian dressing, just enough to put a little extra flavor under the toppings.  Then you put the whole shebang in the oven at 450 degrees for about 15 minutes.  It came out so tempting that I almost missed having anything to take a picture of.

The crust was bready, with a little crunch and really good.  Max stuffed his face and was not cooperating when I tried to take his picture.  I did get a few, on his terms of course but the bread got dipped and eaten on and off for the rest of the day.  A printable version of my adaptation of the recipe can be found here.  I like this dough because you can turn it into pizza or go sweet instead of savory, so it is very adaptable and that is always handy.

All in all, a tasty day.

Monkey Queen

Max's photo session consisted of him seeing if he could blur the pictures by shaking his head really fast.  Here is what I got out of the shaking experiment.  Pretty funny.

Did you have a good time? Did you enjoy this post? Let me know and leave a comment. Share the post with your family and friends on your favorite social media or subscribe and help support Flying Monkeys. If you go to StumbleUpon using the icon on the right and click the “I Like it” button(it’s free), you help other people to discover Don’t Make Me Call My Flying Monkeys and that will help our little blog grow and our monkeys can keep doing what they do best - FLY. Thank you for all of your support. The Monkey Queen                             


Mary Bergfeld said...

Your pizza looks wonderful, but that Max is a real scene stealer :-). You've put the idea for pizza or focaccia into my head, which would be fine except I haven't had breakfast yet. My cereal just won't cut it now. Have a great day. Blessings...Mary

Don't Make Me Call My Flying Monkeys! said...

@MaryThanks Mary. I am often inspired by a craving at odd hours of the evening, when I can't really do anything about it. Focaccia sounds good!

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